Mesphito (Mephistophiles is Real)

Name Variates: Mephistophiles, Mephistophilis, Mesphito, Memostophiles, Methosophiles, Megastophiles, Mephisto, Mephist, Hemostophile, Mephistophielis
Color: Black, Grey, Light Blue, Red
Direction: Northwest
Herb: Mandrake
Element: Earth
Rank: Chief Duke
Planet: Mercury
Infernal Letter: K
Primary Qlipha: Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore)
Secondary Qlipha: Samael (Mercury/Adrammelech)
Gematria: 639; 919; 2094; 2288

I’ve written the important parts of this article in blue for people who want to focus on the practical.

We will not bother delving into the legend of Faust for this article. According to a book called Personal Names in Appellative Use in English, Mephisto predates that legend anyways (I am unsure of whether or not this is correct). Despite the commonplace allegation that Mephistophiles (most often called Mesphito in Demonolatry) is a purely fictitious entity, various medieval grimoires present him as an authentic demon, and Doctor Faust himself has been traced back to a wandering German Occultist who was commonly adduced as the quintessential Rennaissance blasphemer in the countless religious debates of the time.

The Faust mythos is comparable in nature to the mythos of Christ. Christ’s story serves to allegorically delineate the philosophy known as Christianity. In the same way that the life story of the (pseudo)messiah himself (Yehoshua ben Yosef) took on aspects of a pre-existent mythological character named Mythras, the fictional Faust had various pre-existent folk tales assimilated into later editions of the novel he debuted in.

Modern black magickians such as E.A. Koetting and J. Thorp present Mephistophiles or “Mesphito” as a legitimately extant demon.

Mephistophiles’s name is said to originate in the Hebrew word “Mephir” [Destroyer]. As the Keeper of the Book of Death, Mephistophiles is among the seven chiefs of Pandemonium. Mephestophiles is related to witchcraft, knowledge, divination, secrets, sorcery, ambition, hatred, deception, dark magick, alchemy, astral projection, shapeshifting, dream work, anger, vengeance, vampyrism, blood magick, necromancy, and war. He can bring about monetary gain, teach all skilled arts, and impart familiars of renowned quality, and it is said that he achieves incredibly quick results in magick. He is described variously as the counterpart, companion, or servant of Lucifer.

According to my personal gnosis, Mesphito can increase one’s social skills, and his are incredible. He can raise one’s IQ and improve physical fitness. He rules flirtation, seduction, charisma, sex, romance, and sexuality. He can cure or at least decrease the symptoms of autism and dyslexia (your skills and efforts determine the efficacy of this).

According to At the Crossroads, Mephistophiles manifests both as a toad and a black dog, and he is one of the most powerful magickal forces which the author had ever witnessed. The author described the archdemon as alluring/seductive. Liber Satangelica describes Mesphito as deeply charismatic, and The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses describe the fiend as eager to assist and teach the celebrant.

According to Ketab e-Siyah, Mephistophiles rules the seventh letter of the infernal alphabet, which is apparently K. While Mesphito has strategically placed this letter within my surroundings to get my attention, I don’t actually know what this means. I know that the K in magick refers to the Hebrew “Kaf”, which letter represents the Magnum Opus and has been related to Mercury, but I do not know whether such an interpretation is applicable here.

There is an entity in The Grimoire of Armadel named Hemostophile who is almost unanimously identified with Mephistophiles. While some commentators have been tentative in their identification of Hemostophile with Mephistophiles due to the significant difference between the names, the little-known appearance of the name variate “Memostophiles” in a medieval grimoire bridges the gap nicely.

Hemostophile is written to help the witch summon, see, and psychically analyze the character of demons. He’s the lord of deception and a master of illusion; he can teach the art of shapeshifting and impart infernal familiars to the witch.

According to The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, Mephistophiles can impart guidance regarding any art or skill and grants excellent familiars. In addition to this, he brings forth treasure from the earth, and he is said to appear as a male youth.

According to The Black Raven, Mephistophilis is the master of various arts and rules over luck or fortune. He can be called upon to cause instantaneous learning, but the grimoire specifies that Mephistophilis must be summoned four times (?). Mesphito takes on something of a tutelary role in this grimoire, comparable in nature to the role which Lucifuge plays. The legions which follow Mephistophilis bring about infamously quick results.

screenshot-741Above: Sigil of Mesphito from the OFS Demonolatry Website

In Praxis Magia Faustiana, Mephistophiles’s name is rendered as Mephistophiel. Herein Mesphito is attributed to Jupiter and is said to appear either as an igneous bear or a bald man in a black cape.

The Book of Mephisto describes Mesphito as a grand initiator and the father of the sabbat. He’s referred to as a trickster, guide, psychopomp, and spirit of transformation. Herein he is attributed to the infernal realm named Samael (Mercury/Adrammelech). The Golden Dawn, however, attributed Mesphito to Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore), and it is my personal opinion that he is truly attributed to both.

The lore on Mesphito presents him as being one of Hell’s seven rulers. The title given to these seven rulers, however, differs from text to text– Grand Dukes, Princes, or Grand Chiefs.

Contemporary authorities identify Mephistophiles with Satan, but they cite no credible reason for that postulation. Since modern authorities identify everything (even Mammon some reason) with Satan, we will be disregarding their opinion.

The name Mephistophiles is often translated as meaning “He Who Loves Not the Light” or “He Who Detests the Light,” and on the basis of this alone, Mesphito is often identified with Lucifuge Rofocale. Since the similarity of their names’ meanings is the only evidence which the champions of this theory present for this identification, the idea should be disregarded. While I am aware that my prior statement about Mesphito taking a similar role to Lucifuge may lend credibility to this theory, none of the people who promulgate it have drawn that connection, so the theory should be viewed as one which was erected very sloppily. Besides, there is an alternate etymology which translates Mephistophiles as meaning “Dispenser of Lies,” and a book called Faustus: the Life and Times of a Renaissance Legend presents its very own translation: “Friend/Lover of Stench.” Even rarer interpretations such as “Noxious Bile” and “Friend of Faust” exist (Source:

Keep in mind that Lucifuge has already been identified variously as Lucifer, Belial, and Focalor. Factor in Mesphito and you have four options. If you identify Rofocal with one of these fiends, you have a 25% chance of being right. You are best off approaching Lucifage as an independent entity.

Mesphito really is the last entity you should be using etymology to identify. Go back and count how many alternative translations I’ve provided, all but two of which originated in sources I would deem credible (the other two were from Google). Then, look at the name variates which have appeared throughout the grimoiric tradition. Memostophiles includes the Hebrew “Mem” [water], Hemostophile apparently refers to blood, and Megastophiles appears to incorporate a Greek word (mega) meaning “Great.”

If you would like to learn more about Mephistophiles and have the experience to at least get “the gist” of complicated esotericism, follow this hyperlink to another article of mine:

I’ve compiled a use of magickal chants which are serviceable in rites to Mephistophiles. If this is of use to you, follow the hyperlink:

In case you want a black metal song about Mesphito for your magickal work, here’s the one I personally use:

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Other Sources
Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
The Dictionary of Demons
The Magical Revival


Names: Yakatewthigal; Tezrian; Yakalatal; Yakatorigoth; Bakalatoth
Compass: Northeast (Primary); Southeast
Serves Under: Qayin, Molock, Ba’al, Aggereth
Element: Spirit is Attributed to All 5 Elements
Color: Red, Deep Purple, Indigo, Green, Yellow, Blue, Grey, Silver, Black
Sacred Numbers: 47, 65, 82, 49, 8, 12, 44, 17, 21, 11, 37
Attributed Qliphas: Herab Serapel; Gamchicoth (Primary)
Planets (From Most to Least Attributed): Mars; Neptune; Earth; Pluto
Initiatory Specialties (Seek Guidance): the Trans-Sephirothic Labyrinth; Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun]; the Trans-Qliphothic Labyrinth
Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu
Trans-Sephirothic Veil: Ain Soph Aur
Attributed Ingredients/Substances: Red Rose, Dragon’s Blood, Lavender, Cinnamon, Rose, Galangal Root, Olive Juice, Alcohol, Olive Oil

Above: Sigil of Tezrian from OFS Demonolatry

Tezrian is the Goddess of War and Priestess of Battle. She is held to be a spirit of vengeance who rules upheaval, bravery, combat, conflict, and strength of will. She can be called upon for hateful rites of execration, but she can also grant wisdom and power. She helps the witch learn martial arts, especially involving weapons, and it is apt to have weapons present during rites to her. Horse-riding and military vehicles are sacred to her.

The remainder of this article is composed of personal gnosis.

Tezrian is a spirit of self-transformation. She can give gifts such as bone density, cardio, endurance-type muscular strength (i.e. slow-twitch fibers), and increased lung capacity. She can impart confidence, strength, aplomb, and skills in self-defense. She can heal one of anxiety, depression, intermittent explosive disorder, and other such afflictions. She greets the celebrant with a maternal fondness, but the ferocity of an empress of war lies beneath it. She is a destructrix and a devourer; her horrific fangs strength long and thick from a black, t-rex-like mouth which extends from behind her beautiful visage. Through her jaws is a blackness.

Tezrian is an incredibly powerful goddess of plague, death, terror, and cruelty. She obliterates the most sacred rights of her victim and divests them of their self-understanding, destroying their ability to function as people, let alone professionals. Her will is the causation of violence whereby the human race is strengthened, and she will empower those who enact her will.

Tezrian presides over clairvoyance, astral travel, lunar magick, mind reading, mind tricks, Thursic magick, the mysteries of Babalon, clairsentience, Voodoo, Sephirothic magick, Santeria, Voudon, egregores, solar magick, and Shadowmancy. She can give auspices in matters of employment, and her guidance and support are useful in working with the seven chakras of the spine and the Black Kundalini.

The traditional ‘enn’ or summoning chant for Tezrian is Ezyr Ramec Ganen Tezrian. The chant Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Tezrian, which chant means “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Tezrian,” serves to summon her while presencing Qliphothic energy to raise or strengthen a sacred space. Another useful chant for Tezrian is Agios Es, Belladomina Tezrian, meaning “Sacred Art Thou, Belladomina Tezrian,” where Belladomina is an invented magickal name for her. The chant Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Tezrian can be used in invocations of her. Any ritual calling upon Tezrian can use the chants Scande Tezrian Meticulosa Deitas [Rise, Tezrian, Fearsome Goddess] and Adorire Tezrian Hera Cassia [Rise, Tezrian, Lady of Battle]

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Sources: Walking the Hidden Path by J. Thorp; The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp; Curses, Hexing & Crossing by S. Conolly; The Black Grimoire of Satan by T.J. Dawson

Cimeries, Kimaris, Tuvries (Goetia #66)

16215465_736058326570805_478033314_nCimeies by G.A. Rosenberg (Art for Pathworking)

Alternate names: Cymaries, Kimaris, Cimeies, Cimejes, Cimejas, Cimeies, Tuvries


Planet: Venus; the Moon
Tarot: 7 of Swords; 4 of Disks
Enn: Ayer avage secore Cimejes
Rank: Marquis
Color: Violet; Dark Blue
Plant: Pine
Herb: Jasmine
Path: Ayin (Capricorn, Cadent)
Metal: Silver; Copper
Date: 10-19 of Jan; 14-18 of Feb
Element: Air, Earth
Numbers: 20, 30, 277, 340
Zodiac: Aquarius (25-29); Capricorn (20-30)
Region: Africa

Cimeries is a nocturnal spirit who imparts scholarly erudition and studious diligence, and he teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric to the witch. He can make the witch brave and leaderlike, and he can also erase the trait of defiance for the sake of defiance. A spirit of strength and structure, he can give the witch the confidence to publicly challenge the mainstream narrative and give refines her character for warriorhood. He is considered a patron of the military, which is fitting, as he bestows courage and confers battlefield heroism. He helps the witch find lost or hidden things. He imparts success in writing and helps in communication and networking.

Cymaries is a marquis with a total of either twenty or thirty legions. The reason that the number of legions varies by source is that the number is reached through name-analysis by Gematria. Ergo, these numbers are more useful for numerological analysis than for actually discerning the number of troops which answer to Cymaries.

Cimeies is apt for the refinement of one’s psychic senses and assisting in the attainment of lucidity within dreams. One of the psychic powers he is most apt for imparting is the ability to intuitively locate locations and people. He appears in a fifteenth-century text called the Munich Handbook of Necromancy under the name Tuvries, and the ability to help people cross seas and rivers quickly is attributed to him therein. According to Rufus, “He can help you to understand and master the pieces, parts, and whole of any system,” and the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu considers him a god of avarice (read: ambition).

His traditional likeness is unto an attractive warrior riding a black horse. High Priest Dann expands upon this delineation, describing Kimaris with straw-berry blonde hair which descends to his shoulders, a muscular figure, and golden wings.

The numerical value of Kimaris is 277, which relates to “Burning/Fire”, “Ford”, “To Sow/To Scatter Seed” (in reference to sperm), “Seed/Sowing/Offspring”, “Steady Rain/Persistent Rain”, “Fury/Wrath/Arrogance”, and “Pledge/Bond”.

An alternate numerical value for this name is 340, which equates to the Hebrew words for “Despair/Test”, “To melt/To dissolve/ To be liquefied”, “Nail”, “Trampling/Trampling place”, “To guard/To watch/To watch over”, “Scribe/Secretary”, “Book/Census”, “Book/Missive”, “To Burn”, “Tattoo/Incision/Mark”, “To Divide”, “To Break/To Shatter”, “To Be Evil,” “Sinking”, “Trample Down”, “There/Thin/Thither”, “Bird of Prey”, and “To Scour”.

Magickal Chants

Tuvries, Kimaris, Cimejas, Cymeries
This is a chant which calls upon Cimejes by four of his names. Source: V.K.

Agios es, Marchioni Tuvries
This means “Numinous Art Thou, Marquis Tuvries” in Latin. It serves to summon or otherwise call on Tuvries/Cimejes. Source: V.K.

Salve Kimaris Agente Ex Qliphoth
“Hail to Kimaris, Emissary of the Qliphoth!”

Invoco Ambrosius Salvia Kimaris
“I Call the Eternal Sage Kimaris!”

Laudate Cordatus Tuvries
“Praise to the Wise Tuvries!”

-V.K. Jehannum


A Modern Goetic Grimoire
Daemonolatry Goetia
Walking the Hidden Path
Goetic Demonolatry
Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
Wikipedia (blow me)
Gematria and the Tanakh
The Way of Ahriman


Tunnel of Set: 17 (Satariel-Thagirion)
Tarot of Tunnel: the Lovers
Ordeal of Tunnel: Ominous Appearance and Banshees
Siddihi of Tunnel: Bilocation
Atavism of Tunnel: Hyena
Musical Key of Tunnel: D
Hebrew Letter of Tunnel: Zain
Demonic Order of Tunnel: Tzelilimiron
Force of Tunnel: Shugal-Choronzon as a Virulent Magickal Storm
Zodiac of Tunnel: Gemini
Planet of Tunnel: Mercury
Planet of Spirit: Neptune
Gematria: 292; 297; 776; 1554

“The sigil of Zamradiel is composed of a lunar crescent pierced by an arrow shot from a bow, both ends of which terminate in the letter G… the vehicle by which the crossing is achieved… the letter of the High Priestess…” Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant

Zamradiel dwells within the 17th Qliphothic pathway, which leads from Satariel (Saturn/Rofocale) to Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore) and is attributed to Gemini and therefore to Mercury. The name Zamradiel means “the Great Clanger.” His tunnel is haunted by the Bultungin– which are the votaries of the Spectral Hyena known as Bultu– and hybrid entities. The nature of the tunnel is often described as a juxtaposition and yet a reconciliation of opposites.

Zamradiel is associated with sorcery in general, but he specializes in communion with the Higher Self, shapeshifting the astral double into birds or wolves, vampyrism, bilocation, stilling something to see whats happening in the astral, natural witchcraft, nature spirits, astral sight, and basic psychometry.

Zamradiel specializes in seduction and flirtation, and he can teach the witch to put carnality in perspective and understand lust for what it is. Alternately, white lighters have described him as the triumph of coitus over wisdom.  He can delineate the psychological aspects of fornication and teach the celebrant how to use them in the sack. He can teach the witch about the equivalence of opposites.

Zamradiel rules over the use of sexual energy in witchcraft and the communing together or sorcerers in dreams. He can help the witch decide which direction to take, find the truth of a matter, create and/or use defensive weaponry, control war and its creation, understand and achieve the pursuit of conquest, determine where to strike, exert dominion or control, conquer the old, become victorious in any endeavor, attain mastery over creation, ameliorate or incite tuberculosis, take control via Qliphothic forces, verbally trick/deceive, and dissolve the ego.

Zamradiel appeared to Frater 414 as two young, naked men– one pitch black and one snow white– speaking hypnotically either in unison or alternation. He is also known to appear as a man composed of flaming embers.

292: Precious Ore, Gold, To gather, to fortify, ring-gold, pruning knife, snuffers (temple utensil), mouse, open region, open country, to pile up, to burn, to scorch, resting place, fourth

297: A depository, an armory, a name for the book of Deuteronomy, the name “Elohim Gibor” which is associated with Geburah, citadel, palace, fortress, enclosure, your seed, “Korsia” [throne] (a title for binah), princes, annointed ones, your help, neck, raven, evening

776: and you shall rule, and raiment, and nine, as lead, inn, to look at, perversity, iniquity, smooth, shiny

1554: (NONE FOUND)

Thelemic Qabalah Volume 3
Gematria and the Tanakah
Frater 414’s experiments with Liber 231
Frater 2100!’s experiments with Liber 231
The Shadow Tarot
Liber Azerate
Liber Obsidian Obscura



I do not support the Order of the Nine Angles or associate with persons affiliated with it. Nonetheless, I do have beneficial relationships with many of the entities venerated by the O9A, and introducing these entities to the broader black magickal community has been something of a side-project of mine for some time.

I am writing this article because I believe that Aosoth and other spiritual intelligences venerated by the O9A deserve a better pool of magickians to work with than that which the O9A has to offer. I believe that many members of my audience are or will become better equipped to work with and venerate Aosoth than any “Niner” ever will be.

This article will exclusively feature original methods (chants & sigil) for conjuring Aosoth. My experience is that the magickal current of the O9A causes the spirits they venerate to manifest in ways that are unusual, often undesirable, and generally unpleasant to both the magickian and the spirit.

Ergo, I have channeled a unique sigil for Aosoth and channeled original chants which may be used to summon Aosoth. The chants and sigil which the O9A present for the conjuration of Aosoth do not appear anywhere in this article.

Above: Channeled Sigil of Aosoth

Certain spirits, be they demonic or otherwise, emanate fear by the very nature of who and what they are. I had met entities like this before, and even when I knew that their intentions were beneficent, I felt afraid. I could have instructed my aura to block out the intimidation so that I could remain level-headed, but I could sense that the intimidation served some purpose beyond developing strength of character.

I have had spirits and men alike make attempts on my life before, but the only emotion I felt then was rage, which gave way to exhaustion. I knew that the horripilation I experienced at the hands of these particular demons was not a product of my own disposition, but rather an emanation of the physis of those spirits. The feelings of bliss which accompany Azanigin are comparable in nature. I inevitably developed a resistance to the fear after a few interactions with the respective spirits, but I had to learn to resist each demon’s intimidation individually. While I have ascertained the purpose behind this causation of fear, I refuse to teach its nature, as knowing the benefit will ruin it.

Of the few entities which have intimidated me thus, Aosoth is the foremost. It is she who took the greatest pleasure in scaring me—I remember the chills I felt as the tips of her fingers traced my spine, and I could sense her amusement at my horripilation. I kept myself steady as I said “I want you to strengthen my astral sight.”

Aosoth appears in various guises, both as male and female. It’s rare to find a spirit who genderbends as often as she does, even though acausal beings are not bound by sex.

In the first issue of Fenrir magazine, there appears an article called “Aosoth: An Encomium,” which refers to Aosoth as the “Purple Lady” as well as a “chaotic apparition / of wisdom, of love, of passion./ Of death./ Of compassion.” This poem also alludes to Aosoth being a psychopomp.

In The Giving, it is written that Aosoth “was a demoness worshipped by some ancient and secret sects about which nothing is known beyond the fact that women played a prominent role.”

When Aosoth cared to take on a gender in my presence, she generally appeared as male. In Evoking Eternity by E.A. Koetting, which delineates Aosoth’s mastery over astral sight, Aosoth is purported to appear as male as well. It is plausible that Aosoth takes on the gender of her summoner.

In an allegory called Raven Made, Aosoth is called “a Goddess of great power” who was purported to represent “enchantment, passion, and death.” The title is a clear play on words, giving us the moniker “Raven Maid,” and suggesting that Aosoth corresponds to the atavism of the raven.

Aosoth is related to the fourteenth tarot card which has the attributes that follow:
“Self-possession; knowledge that allows one to consciously improve/evolve and use natural abilities (or ‘gifts’) – such as sexual charisma – to the advantage of personal Destiny and Wyrd, and to confront and resolve those qualities within character which are detrimental. Self-honesty. In early stages of development, such an individual causes unforeseen disruption and resentment amongst others. Beginnings of that which is re-presented by atu III.”

The poem attributed to the card suggests that Aosoth is of the aspect of the crone, as do her affiliation with ravens and her office as psychopomp. On the Tree of Wyrd, Aosoth is attributed to the fifth trail, the path linking the Moon to Jupiter. In the fourth volume of the Temple of Them’s publication, The Diary of a Devil Worshipper, it is written that Aosoth’s trail connects the personal unconscious, symbolized by the moon, with the Life’s fluid which is symbolized by the planet Jupiter.

According to Sinister Tradition, Notes VI, “A Location associated with the Demoness Aosoth, lies within the Clun Forest, South Shropshire. It is said here a White Hind was accidentally shot during a hunt, seemingly through the heart. She survived but could not be caught, and was seen on many occasions over the subsequent years, still living with the arrow embedded in her chest.” This essay goes on to suggest that Aosoth lives in this area.

The all-purposed summoning chant I have channeled for Aosoth is “Liahton Hia-noz.”

-V.K. Jehannum

Eulogy for Rasmussen


Schuyler Alexander Rasmussen was a Luminary in the Assembly of Lightbearers, formerly called the Greater Church of Lucifer, before he passed away in the early morning hours of January 19th, 2017.

Within hours of his death, his fellow Luciferians set social media alight with lamentations, condolences, and eulogies. Black magickians across the world, both those who knew him in person and those who corresponded with him online, have unanimously described him as kind, sincere, supportive, forgiving, but most of all, inspirational.

In death as in life, he will inspire his Luciferian brethren to acts of Antinomian and Faustian greatness. He was a warrior of the Black Light and he will always be remembered as such.

His plans to erect a chapter of the Torches of Lucifer in Toronto are being carried out in his name, and he has been honorarily appointed to the Sixth Degree in the Assembly of Lightbearers in death. A GoFundMe page has already appeared to assist his mother in funeral costs, which can be supported from here:

If you care to give him offerings in death, you may print out any of these images for such a purpose. While offerings of water are traditional for the dead, I’m sensing that white wine is most appropriate for Skyler. If you would like to peruse his writings, they are still publicly available, and I will ensure that they are archived.

Here you will find three Youtube videos he made.


Ave Satanas,
Et ave Rasmussen.



A’ano’nin resides within the twenty-sixth Qliphothic pathway (which corresponds to the letter Ayin), namely the one between Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphegor) and Samael (Mercury/Adrammelech), and he’s called the lord of the gates of matter. The atavisms which he correlates to are the goat and the ass. He correpsonds to the 15th tarot card (the Devil) and the key of A. Meanwhile, his tunnel corresponds to the planet Saturn.

A’ano’nin, whose name means “the Great Fishy One,” holds dominion over satyrs—a race of satyrs markedly more demonic than those led by Pan, and Pan’s satyrs are rather demonic themselves.

A’ano’nin presides over the Witch’s Sabbat—probably a different Sabbat than the one you’ve been attending. A’ano’nin’s Sabbat, which occurs within Nahemoth, is more of a private affair. Guests get to Vampyrically feed upon restrained victims—spirits they’ve caught. While sex certainly does occur, it is not orgiastic.

A’ano’nin is a patron of dark magick and a master of the evil eye. His maledictions can bring about the bondage of the target—either by restricting the actions of a mortal or binding a spirit.


A’ano’nin assists in scrying and sex magick. He can be called upon for protection as well as banishing. He can also modify energies such that they can be digested by the witch, which has intriguing implications for mimetics.

A’ano’nin strengthens the psychic senses of the witch and helps attune her to her instints. While He can bring about glamour spells, He is very much a Spirit of revelation– in Frater 414’s account of the entity, A’ano’nin gave him important advice completely unprompted and out of context with the pre-existent conversation. A’ano’nin helps the witch see through facades and causal illusions.

This fiend manifested as male upon my evocation of him and he manifested as male to Frater 414 as well. Nonetheless, this same fiend manifested as female to Linda Falorio, who related A’ano’nin to Saturnalia and the Scarlet Woman. His female aspect can liberate one of entrapment, including entrapment by the personality traits of complaisance and submissiveness. I have sensed this female aspect throughout my (re)construction of this article, crying out for acknowledgement. I would describe this entity as eager to assist the witch.

I found a musical track made for workings with this tunnel:

I’ve been unable to find a singular picture of hir sigil, so follow this link. A’ano’nin’s sigil is in the table on the right, sixth from the top in the left collumn– the sigil with the letters B, K, R, and N around it.

-V.K. Jehannum


A Black Rite to Three Great Magickal Initiators

Salve Qayin! Ave Agia! Io Mephisto! Zodamran! Zodamran!
[Hail Qayin! Hail Agia/Hecate! Hail Mephisto! (word of power to open the Qliphoth)]

Qayin is the Resplendent and Merciless Immortal who reduced his sibling to the sustenance of the Earth. Hail to the Djinn-Worshipper and Slaughterous Initiator, the Firstborn Son of the Prince of Darkness!

Agios ischyros Ka-In Arotrios! Veni, veni Mephistophile!
[Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow! Come, come Mephistophile!]

Melus de Quo Magma! Liftoach Qliphoth! Zodamran!
[Reality emanates from the demonic! Open the Qliphoth! Zodamran]

Io Hecate Io Ho! Veni Hecate!
[(words of power)! Come Hecate!]

Beyond the Adamantine Gateway to the Other Side, the pyrogenic enchantments of Mephastophilis subject humankind unto black machinations. I call unto him, the Prince of Negation, to saturate the subtle atmosphere with the energies of Sitra Achara!

Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas!
[(words of power to open the Qliphoth)]

Anana Hecate Ayer!
[(Hecate’s enn)]

I call upon Hekate the Thrice-Manifested! Empress of Corpses and the Sea! From her throne in the Acausal Necropolis, Hecate watches over the initiates of the Craft and begets guidance and support wherever her name is called!

Aperiatur stella, et germinet Agia!
[Open the sky, and bring forth Hecate!]

Qayin Mahan Diaphotos Qabeel Barekhooh!
[(names of Qayin)]

Melus de Quo Magma!
[Reality emanates from the demonic!]

 Et revertetur ad tenebras!
[And all returns to darkness!]

As I have spoken, so let it be done.