Two Hymns to Amaymon

In this post, I will give you two channeled hymns to Amaymon. These hymns may be incorporated into your daily devotional practices, used briefly as needed, used however often you feel the need to, or simply used once. Those who wish to see the full possibilities of the first hymn should use it regularly for a few months. The first one calls to Amaymon to grant the witch worldly protection and financial abundance, as well as to protect them from malicious spellwork and harm those who send it the witch’s way. The second hymn is all-purposed– it can be used to manifest whatever change or alchemy you seek, perhaps regularly depending on the nature of the intent. The second hymn should be recited twice consecutively every day that it is used.

The word “acausal” means “not subject to cause and effect,” and “the acausal” is used as a term for the spiritual realm(s). The last line of the second hymn translates to “Hail Ovbior and Amaymon.” Ovbior is a revealed name of Amaymon.

The First Hymn

Glory to the Demon-King of the Nightside,
Emperor of All Thing Black and Cold.
Christen me with abundance,
Darksome Gatekeeper and Death-God.
Shield me from the blades and arrows
Of this world and the acausal alike.

The Second Hymn

Glory to the Deathful
And Vengeful Spirit of the Qliphoth.
Hail unto Amaymon,
Archdemonic Deity of the Corners.
Shower me with power and majesty.
Salvete Ovbior Et Amaymon.

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Nazi Satanism Is Anti-White

It is often pointed out that the term “Nazi” has lost all meaning, and while this observation is accurate, the reality remains that it was always almost impossible for the word to have any meaningful definition in modern political discourse. “Nazi” is a slur for “National Socialist,” and Nazi Germany was hardly a Socialist country. The word “Nazi” is a slur derived from what was essentially a marketing tactic used by a long-gone regime. Ergo, any usage of the term “Nazi” in reference to modern political idealogues must be subjective to some degree, if the term is to be used in modern discourse at all.

With this in mind, I have devised my own subjective definition of the term Nazi, and it doesn’t include standard-issue Republicans, left-wingers who are critical of “social justice warriors”, self-identified classical liberals, etc. In fact, it even excludes some people who could accurately be described as “Alt-Right.”

In my subjective definition, every Nazi has their own personal cocktail of bigotries which may include or exclude any of the following: pseudo-scientific race “realism,” xenophobia, supremacist views, misogyny, misandry, homophobia, transphobia, and religious discrimination. In addition to the cocktail of bigotries, the modern Nazi will hold some variation of Authoritarian and Nationalist views.

However, the varying combinations of social and political views I have described is not enough to make someone a Nazi, at least not by my definition. Such a worldview is only a starting point. True Nazism, in this subjective and modern sense, isn’t about choosing who goes in the oven. It’s about seeing someone burn. Because of this reality, modern Nazism is quintessentially anti-everyone, and opposition to it is quintessentially pro-human.

This reality traces back to the conduct of the original National Socialist Germany. Nazi Germany wasn’t particularly pro-white or pro-German during Operation Hummingbird, during which Adolf Hitler had his own paramilitary force massacred for the sake of his optics. The National Socialist regime wasn’t exactly pro-white when it came to their treatment of white homosexuals and mentally handicapped Caucasians. It wasn’t pro-white or pro-German when it forced Adolf Hitler’s political opponents into concentration camps without trial either.

Additionally, it is a well-known fact that the original National Socialists would have been quick to ostracize or even massacre many amongst the numbers of modern Nazi movements, which modern movements include members of varying sexualities, gender identities, and religious affiliations. I ask you this: if the movements of modern Nazis which devote themselves to the Abrahamic deity were to take power today, what would become of the Nazi demographics which venerate Odin or the Devil?

Nazi Germany already paved the way for what would occur in that instance in that it suppressed its own Occult organizations*, persecuted its own citizens for holding dissenting political views, and massacred its own paramilitary force. Considering the O9A’s desire to extinguish “Magian” (i.e., Judeo-Christian) Occultism and the ongoing rise of Christian Nationalism, it is most likely that any ethnic cleansing which a modern-day Nazi regime would enact would be followed by a religious cleansing, a religion-based hierarchy, and/or a would-be theocratic rule.

Generally speaking, both modern and classical Nazis exist on a spectrum from puppet to puppeteer. David Myatt and the other founding fathers of the Order of the Nine Angles were among the puppeteers. Their political worldview was one of ethnonationalism and accelerationism—their end goal was the creation of an honor-driven white ethnostate which would pursue conquest in outer space, just as Europeans sought conquest across the globe.

To this end, O9A idealogues sought to radicalize everyone they could, including Muslims, Satanists, White Nationalists, and more, so that contemporary Western governments could be destroyed and replaced with the type of ethnostate that they described as a “Galactic Imperium.”

Orthodox O9A literature is composed of essays, grimoires, and manifestos which deliberately contradict one another so that people from varying walks of life could be seduced into serving the O9A’s political agenda. This was done under the guise of elitism—you see, only persons with sufficient “dark empathy” can discern which parts of O9A orthodoxy are legitimate.

The orthodox literature of the O9A sought to reduce most of its adherents to cannon fodder, painting those who ruined or lost their lives in pursuit of its cause as unworthy candidates to be surpassed by more effective operatives. Inspired by O9A orthodoxy, the later Tempel ov Blood encouraged its adherents to engage in varying forms of self-harm to reduce themselves to empty vessels for the gods to inhabit. Ryan Anschauung leaked an email from a ToB leader wherein it was stated that no real Satanist would join the Tempel ov Blood and be willingly subject to such dehumanization for the administration’s agenda.

In time, the Tempel ov Blood inspired Atomwaffen, and Atomwaffen gave birth to Rapewaffen. Rapewaffen, like all White Nationalist movements, is deeply concerned about the declining birth rates of white children, and as its name would suggest, proposed a violent solution: the rape of white women for the sake of white reproduction.

In essence, Satanic Nazism is a purely destructive force, even in terms of its intentions towards white people. Deliberately manipulating white people into ruining or losing their lives en masse is decisively anti-white. Convincing white people to abuse and dehumanize themselves en masse is decisively anti-white. Becoming a serial rapist who specifically targets white women is decisively anti-white.

Earlier, I mentioned the O9A’s intent to create an ethnostate driven by honor. In this interest, the O9A’s orthodoxy provided a code of conduct which they called the Code of Sinister Honour when catering to Satanists and the Code of Kindred Honour when catering to White Nationalists.

In the O9A’s Code of [Insert Pandering] Honour, all forms of child abuse were forbidden, as was the recruitment of underaged minors. Anybody who engaged in abusive or predatory behavior towards children was deemed a “mundane” (i.e., a suitable candidate for human sacrifice).

But nowadays, the O9A movement has lost its identity, succumbing to outside influences to the extent that it no longer resembles its original form and is no longer even capable of attempting to pursue its original end goal. The O9A movement doesn’t care who goes in the oven; it just wants to see someone burn.

The movement that once sought to kill child abusers is now largely known for sexually abusing children, and it’s most well-known contemporary idealogues never speak out against the perpetrators. They only speak out against those who point out the perpetrators’ existence, utilizing a variety of manipulation tactics to divert attention from the movement’s pedophilic elements and to delegitimize the movement’s detractors.

The Tempel ov Blood, originally a stand-alone organization heavily influenced by the ideology of the O9A, seems to have gained as much influence over the O9A movement as the O9A’s orthodox literature currently holds, and in doing so, paved the way for organizations such as Atomwaffen, the Draugr Coven of Azanigin, Drakon Covenant, Misanthropic Nexion,** and the Tempel ov the Black Vampire. The first three all publicly endorsed and/or have been found to engage in child abuse, and the fifth presumably condones it.

In the end, David Myatt, the O9A’s poster child and one of its founding fathers, publicly renounced the Order of the Nine Angles and extremism as a whole. He claims to have had an epiphany following the death of a beloved friend, and to have adopted a philosophy of non-intervention. I want to believe that his change of heart was sincere—after all, who wouldn’t be forced to reflect after accidentally giving birth to a movement of pedophiles and rapists? Who wouldn’t be forced to reflect after their efforts to engender a renaissance of white spirituality devoid of “Magian” influence gave birth to a religious demographic largely dominated by Vaishnavism and Qliphothic Qabalah?

David Myatt’s life purpose was self-defeating, and so is Satanic Nazism. Myatt’s intention of radicalizing every demographic he could has reached its ultimate conclusion: the creation of a movement largely dedicated to the detriment of its adherents and others.

The early roots of Satanism always had Nazi connections, but with each passing day, Nazism’s influence within the Satanic community diminishes, as healthier influences show Satanists a better way. In time, Nazi Satanism will be a thing of the past, and the sooner that happens, the better our community’s future will be.

*I do believe that Adolf Hitler was an Occultist himself, and I would speculate that the suppression of Occultism within Nazi Germany was another method of consolidating power.

**Misanthropic Nexion has disavowed child abuse in recent times. I can make no comment in regards to the sincerity their disavowal.

V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia