Vampyrism: Donorship is Preposterous

The majority of the “vampyric community” operates under the guidelines of moralistic doctrine referred to as the Black Veil, and are thus hesitant to predate upon a mortal without expressed permission. This leads them to pursue donors—individuals with a basic comprehension of vampyrism who willingly give of themselves unto the vampyre.

In Liber Nosferatu, it is stated that a vampyre who feeds upon strangers is a “parasite,” and the reader is instructed not to feed without consent.

By following such nonsense and seeking out donors, the witch does much more damage than she otherwise would. Most non-moralistic vampyres feed briefly upon various different passers by or deeply on a particularly appetizing one of the same. While a deep feed will result in fatigue and irritability, and can result in fainting, illness, and bruising or irritation of the skin if pursued to the extremes, even deeply feeding on a stranger is preferable to feeding upon a donor.

After all, the kind of person who would volunteer for donation is clearly a kind and caring friend. If the vampyre must select a person to incur detriment, the well-being of a loved one should outvalues the well-being of a stranger. A friend should be afforded a varying degree of loyalty and good wishes and it is errant to treat them like an ash tray.

Moreover, the donor would necessarily be fed upon routinely. Why would the witch want to detriment a loved one regularly instead of causing multiple unimportant people, people to whom she owes no loyalty, enervation once or twice in the course of their lives?

Being regularly penetrated by tendrils weakens the aura of the target and creates permanent weak spots therein. It could even force the donor to take on the vampyric appetite, albeit temporarily.

Psychic vampyres incur certain degrees of stigma amongst certain elements of the Satanist scene, particularly those influenced by LaVeyan or Setian philosophy. It is clear that this stigma rightly belongs to unawakened vampyres, whose Hunger inclines them to histrionic behaviors and the routine enervation of whomever they fraternize with.

Routinely feeding upon the same individuals, whether one is awakened or not, is far more parasitic than what is recommended in these texts.

-V.K. Jehannum

Green is the Color of the Vampyre

Many different vampyres have conferred to me that they felt an intuitive link to the color green as a color of power. The first of these was a covenmate, who spoke out of his intuition. The second was Kaos Butterfly, whom always felt green to be a color of magickal power as well. The third was Morain himself, who considers green his favorite color as well as the color of his aura.

Kaos told me that the most vampyric people he’s met have had green eyes, and an allegory called Porcelain Face Programming from the Tempel ov Blood’s inner journal gives their vampyric adept protagonist sea green eyes.

In Encylopedia of Vampire Mythology, Theresa Bane writes the following:
“The color green has played a part in Celtic and Chinese vampire lore from early beginnings. Usually in their stories, if green is mentioned as being the color of someone’s clothing or HAIR, it is something of an early indicator to the listener or reader that the person is in fact some sort of vampire. Lamps are narrated as suddenly burning with a green flame when a vampire enters a room. This ancient custom has found its way in modern storytelling; H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, and Bram Stoker have all used this color to point out the undead to their readers.

In the depictions of the vampyric fairies and zombies presented by the text, green is often shown to be interchangeable with white, particularly in the case of vampyric fae such as banshees.

Green is the color of envy, both in New Age color signification and in modern folk lore. Ergo, it is sensible to link the color to the practice of vampyrism. It’s also the color of the chakra in the middle of the spine– the one which connects to the shoulder chakras and disperses energy throughout sushuma.

Plants can’t digest green light. The reason they look green is because that color of light is bouncing off of them. Since born vampyres cannot properly digest natural prana, we have a sensible correlation.

-V.K. Jehannum

Belial (Goetia #68)

Alternate Names: Beliar, Belial, Belia’al, Beliel, Belias, Belu
Magickal Numbers: 37, 94, 95
Colors: White, Yellow, Black, Green, Brown
Zodiac: Aquarius 10-20; Leo 15-19
Path: 28/Tzaddi/Aquarius
Direction: North; South
Tarot: 6 of Swords
D/N: Nocturnal
Planet: Jupiter; the Sun
Element: Fire; Earth; Water
Qlipha: Ghagiel (Uranus/Baelzebuth)
Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu (Ain Soph)
Rank: Viceroy; Great Chief; Gatekeeper; King
Date: Jan 30-Feb 8; Aug 8-12; Winter Solstice; Feb 24-29; Winter; December
Attributed Substances & Ingredients: Gold, Balm, Cedar, Vetivert, Lemon, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cedar, Vetivert

Above: Channeled Sigil of Belial

Belial is the Qliphothic Witch-God, Goetic King, and Guardian of the Gate who rules over the physical plane. He is an initiator and a demon of enlightenment. Alongside Lucifer and Hecate, he is a member of the Atlantean Trident of the Draconian Tradition.

Belial is the Serpent God who is recorded in traditional demonology to be the Ambassador to Turkey for some reason. The demon is considered an excellent mentor in sorcery and highly reliable guide who is knowledgeable regarding many secret alchemical praxes. He is a destroying god of war and death whose auspices and guidance are desirable in the arts of necromancy, vampyrism, and execration.

One apocryphal text incorrectly identifies Satan, Samael, and Belial as the same being. This text applies the names Matanbuchus, Meterbuchus, and Mechembuchus to Belial, but who do these names refer to– Satan, Samael, or Belial? I am unsure, but Belial has told me that he is willing to accept those titles as names of him.

Belial is a prolific shapeshifter known to manifest as two figures illustrating diametric opposites. He commonly assumes appearances like skeletal figures and draconic anthropoids, but will manifest as human on occasion– he’ll even shapeshift to a human form in front of you if you’re upset and open up to him. It is generally agreed upon that Belial is a harsh master, but he is known to be understanding as well.

Belial is stoic in his compassion, but he is definitely caring, and he always has my back. It is no wonder that he is a renowned protector of witches. He is a kind entity who destroys the opponents of his devotees.

Abrahamic demonology describes Belial as a spirit of hostility, lawlessness, trickery, sin, and fornication– the acting patron of heretics and polytheists who is said to have instructed Egyptians in sorcery. The demon embodies the beauty of the Earth and teaches us to see the beauty in all things. According to S. Conolly, he typifies a balance between mental, physical, and spiritual consciousness.

Belial is widely viewed as the quintessential earth elemental, but there is more to him than that. He has less well-known attributions to fire, and in my personal gnosis, water as well. Mark Allan Smith has claimed that Belial is a Triple God. He is listed amongst the Nine Demonic Divinities, the Three Rulers of the Trans-Qliphothic Veils, the Nine Kings of the Goetia, the Four Cardinal Princes, and the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers. Certain entries in Hebrew scripture predicted that Belial would attempt to impersonate Jesus to manipulate the Samaritans, which I imagine would be hilarious.

Belial is attributed to the Uranian Qlipha as well as the Trans-Qliphothic Veil directly above it. The demon known as Abaddon is said to rule the Moires/Fates, which very same spirits are said to manifest alongside Belial with frequency.

Belial is gifted in granting occupational and political ascent to the witch. He rules achievement, autonomy, and independence, and brings about many friends and popularity. He presides over warriors and murderers, and he can be called upon to bestow aggression upon the witch. He is considered a god of war and a harbinger of anarchy who can incite targets to fury and rage. Belial is said to appear on fields of battle, a god of war, surrounded by ravens and creatures of prey.

Belial is said to be knowledgeable regarding the mysteries of self-sacrifice. He is known to manifest accompanied by Lucifer– the two collaborate so extensively that they are almost functionally interchangeable.

While some traditional demonology records Belial as a bloated demonic man-dragon, I have witnessed his black man-dragon aspect as muscular rather than bloated. Belial has also been described as a Caucasian male whose long hair is black with white tips, and I have seen this aspect as well. On a couple occasions, I have seen Belial appear as a simple anthropoid made of shadow. Belial also appeared to me in a vision as a red-furred four-legged beast (a big cat) which a pointed black tail and sharp fangs.

The writings of Michael W. Ford, S. Conolly, and E. A. Koetting all record that Belial demands sacrifice upon evocation, usually sexual, though Koetting records a requirement for blood. Oddly enough, when I was summoning a group of demons (Winter Solstice), and I intended to give my offerings to all of them, Belial told me to divide his would-be offering among the other spirits.

In the 218 Current, Belial is presented as the ruler of the Northern Tower of Chaos– the Tower of Mortifer (“Bearer of Death” in Latin).

Mark Allan Smith asserted that Belial was the same entity as Baelzebuth. While Smith is, from what I’ve seen, thoroughly trustworthy, I scoffed at the idea until my demons told me he was correct, and I saw the same thing asserted in ToAF literature. I have put no information about Baelzebuth in this article, nor is there any information about Belial in my article about Baelzebuth. This has been done for the sake of persons who do not agree that Baelzebuth = Belial so they can still benefit from my article as much as possible. I have no intention to even speculate about Bael, Belphagore, etc. and their relationship to Belial. I highly doubt I or anyone reading this will ever find the whole truth on the matter. Mysteries like this are why people come up with bullshit about spirituality being subjective, demons being your own consciousness, all demons being interchangeable, etc. That type of pseudo-intellectual shit convinces them that they understand something that most of us really won’t get a grip on until we are dead.

Belial is attributed to Ghagiel in literature which predates Smith’s.

Magickal Chants

channeled all-purposed chant to Belial
(this should be the most powerful of those provided)

“Numinous Belial, King of Emptiness”

“Death-Bearing King, Come Into Me!”

“Come Into Me, Belial King of the Earth!”

names of Belial ordered into a consecrated chant

a consecrated chant composed of titles of Belial


  1. Conolly, S. Daemonolatry Goetia. DB Publishing, 2011.
  2. Crowley, Aleister, and Solomon. Goetia. First Impressions, 1993.
  3. Ford, Michael. Luciferian Goetia. Lulu.Com, 2009.
  4. Melton, J. Gordon. Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology. Gale, 2001.
  5. Sepharial. A Manual of Occultism. 2012.
  6. Harris, Nathaniel. Liber Satangelica.
  7. Smith, Mark. The Scorpion God. Primal Craft Occult Publications, 2012.
  8. Kuriakos. The Goetia Ritual.
  9. Visions of the Nightside. Black Tower Publishing, 2013.
  10. Asha’Shedim. Book of Belial.
  11. Thorp, J. The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic. 2018.
  12. Nemidial. Liber Azerate. 2002.

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


Name: Mammon, Maymon
Primary Qlipha: Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith)
Secondary Qlipha: Gashkalah (Jupiter/Astaroth)
Color: Purple, Grey Mixed with Light Blue
Country: England
Element: Earth; Fire
Legions: 30
Planet: Venus Illegitima (Dark Aspect of Venus)
Demonic Order: Ninth Order (the Tempters)
Magick Numbers: 31, 35, 61, 8, & 24,578
Attributions: Devil’s Claw, Bloodroot, Patchouli, Hemlock, Calamus
Rank: Prince of the Ninth Order of Demons, Ambassador to England, Subruler of Gamaliel

mammon 2
Above: Sigil of Mammon from OFS Demonolatry

The biblical references to Mammon were originally interpreted as references to the vice of greed rather than a presiding deity of greed. Shortly thereafter, another commentator interpreted the scriptural passages as references to a demon. While most Satanists conclude that the original interpretation is true just because it came first, such reasoning is fallacious. It is possible that, if seeing Mammon as a demon was a misinterpretation, that a particular demon became aware of the folly and took the name of Mammon upon himself to capitalize on the marketing. Either way, let us discuss the great demon known as Mammon.

Mammon is the Lord of Autumn and King of the Abyss. He is the Monarch of Rain, the Sire of the Flame, and the Dominator of our Plane. He’s a cunning draconic spirit and he doesn’t take shit from anyone.

Mammon rules over ice, greed, wealth, avarice, prosperity, luck, riches, sex, ambition, aggression, and the lust for money. Considered to be Hell’s ambassador to England, he is the God of Merchants and Thieves and the Lord of Money. He is recorded to preside over sexual intercourse and he teaches in the art of evocation.

mammonAbove: Goetia-Style Sigil of Mammon Channeled by Augustus Grigori

Mammon is said to be one who scours the planes for precious stones to use in the construction of Pandemonium, the demon’s capital city. He is purported by some to further the agendas of Sorath, and purported by others to serve Lucifer directly alongside Beelzebuth. While a writer named Gregory of Nyssa has postulated that Mammon and Beelzebuth are the same being (with Mammon presumably being an aspect of Beelzebuth), and other writers have equated Mammon with Satan and Lucifer, I deny all these claims.

Mammon is the leader of the Ninth Order of Demons, which order is referred to as the tentatores or infidiadatores, or the tempters and ensnarers. He is also held to be the ruler of Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith) in a rare demonic hierarchy of the Qliphoth wherein Behemoth rules Nahemoth (Black Earth/Naamah) and Merihim rules Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphagore). While I sense his high rank within this Qlipha, I can sense that Lilith transcends even him, which is why I have listed him as  a Sub-Ruler of Gamaliel.

Mammon is knowledgeable regarding the use of tarot cards in divination and meditation as well as the sorceries of Tohu and Daath. He can teach her to work with the Void and how to get fully possessed of her own volition.

A well-established Demonosopher has an entire category of essays based on her interactions with Mammon. Take a look at the hyperlink below:

Magickal Chants

Mammon Ogrombora
This is the all-purposed summoning chant I channeled from Mammon. It is useful for invocation and evocation alike.

Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth
“Mammon, Open the Qliphoth!”
This calls Mammon to strengthen all rites of evocation.

Io Mammon– Drakon Anabaino Gamalielim
“Hail Mammon– Dragon from the Qlipha of the Black Moon!”
This is an all-purposed summoning chant for Mammon I created.


  1. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. Checkmark Books, 2009.
  2. Lewis, James R. Satanism Today: an Encyclopedia of Religion, Folklore and Popular Culture. ABC-Clio, 2001.
  3. Magan, Lodge. Glimpses of the Left Hand Path. Dragon Rouge, 2004.
  4. Sepharial. A Manual of Occultism. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.
  5. Thorp, J. The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic. DB Publishing, 2018.
  6. Wold, Laibl. Practical Kabbalah. Random House International, 1999.

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Ronwe (Goetia #27)

Above: Ronove by G.A. Rosenberg

Names: Ronove, Roneve, Ronobe, Ronwe
Color: Yellow; Violet; Purple
Metal: Iron; Tin; Silver
Planet: Mars; Jupiter; Moon
Elements: Air; Fire
Incense: Jasmine
Plant: Cinnamon
Enn: Kaymen vefa Ronove
Direction: East
Legions: 19
Zodiac: Sagittarius 20-30
D/N: Diurnal
Rank: Earl; Marquis
Tarot: 6 & 10 of Wands/Rods
Gematria: 268; 272
D/N: Diurnal
Date: Dec 13-21; Aug 2-7

Above: Sigil of Ronwe from the OFS Demonolatry Website

According to Michael W. Ford, “[Ronove] inspires a comprehension of learning within the circle. [He] brings instinctual knowledge via waking and dreaming of the Alphabet of Desire, the language of the subconscious which empowers spells and talismans.”

Ronove, often called the Demon of Knowledge, augments the witch’s intellect and intelligence. He teaches languages, poetry, and rhetoric, and he imparts wisdom to the sorceress. He imparts the quasi-sociopathic ability to control your own emotions. The familiars he grants are excellent for the purposes of research, magickal tutoring, magickal exercises, and practical witchcraft.

Ronwe can procure the favor of a target and make one see the witch’s point of view. Moreover, he can make the witch charming and charismatic. He can make people become fond of you, regardless of the way they look at you now. If the witch needs assistance eloquently making her argument in a logical and peaceful way, this is the spirit to go to.

Ronwe can bring about the destruction and death of the target, most often through illness and the affliction of the target’s internal organs, and he specializes in pyrokinesis. He harvests the souls of moribund, elderly organisms (including people) and he can humble one’s enemies.

I did a ritual to Stolas and Ronwe one night, when Stolas told me that I needed to summon a particularly baleful, disorienting, and disharmonious entity by the name of Budsturga for the completion of the spell. I recited a traditional chant to Budsturga and then said (like Stolas told me to), “Budsturga, appear to me in the names of Stolas and Ronwe!” The two demons forced the goddess to cooperate.

-V.K. Jehannum

Daemonolatry Goetia by Stephany Conolly
Goetic Demonolatry by Ellen Purswell
Mark of Qayin by Asha’Shedim
Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
Gematria and the Tanakh by Brian Pivik
A Modern Goetic Grimoire by Rufus Opus
Luciferian Goetia by Michael W. Ford

Abaddon, Apollo, Sauructonos

Names (of Abbadon): Abaddon, Abadon, Abbaton, Abaddown, Appolion, Appolyon, Apollyon, Apollo, Abaddon Shadai, Sauructonos, Apolluon, Apolhun, Apollyn, Aggelos Abussos [Angel of the Abyss]

Described as an infernal and serpentine angel and called “the Un-nameable One,” Abaddon is the Angel of the Bottomless Pit. He rules over dark knowledge, poetry, sexual perversion, witchcraft (especially necromancy), medicine, isolation, music, temporal death, life in death, the sun and vampyrism. A great chief of demons and a lord of the abyss, he rules over death and disease. He is one of the four demonic gatekeepers, alongside Amaymon, Azazel, and Beliar.

53152867_419195798649398_4981745674870587392_nAbove: Sigil of Abaddon’s Serpentine Aspect Channeled by Augustus Grigori

The name Abaddon means “Destroyer.” Its trilateral root is ABD, meaning “to perish.” In Gematria, his name has a numerical value of 63, which corresponds to the phrases “the Heart of a Beast” and “the Glory of God” as well as the words “prophet,” “dung,” “fervor,” “builder,” and “Binah’s ‘secret nature.'” Through an alternate method, Abaddon attains the value of 713 via Gematria, equating to “the Sphere of Saturn,” and “return.”

The name “Apollon” is often interpreted as “deprived of multitude,” since pollon means “many” and a- is a negative. His number in Isopsephy is 1461, which relates to the words “foundation” and “matter.”

According to Heinsius, Abaddon is the same being as “the Read Dragon” or “Red Titan,” Pytho/Python/Porphyrion, a dragon which Apollo is said to have killed in other myths after it attacked his mother (Leto/Lytona). Apollo killed Python, “the Demon Dragon,” in order to usurp its ownership of a temple.

27658606_1954853278166684_1634173410_nAbove: My Sigil of Apollo with His Magickal Numbers Written Around It

Called “the Prince of War” and “the most august light of reason,” Abaddon is the chief of the  demons of the seventh hierarchy (Furies) as well as cat demons and grasshoppers. His furies beget frenzy, bloodshed, homicides, frenzy, massacres, and lunacy.

Serving Satan in the office of psychopomp, he holds the key to the Outer Darkness. He is the enemy of Uriel who saw Yeshua (Christ) crucified. According to Abramelin, he is an officer under Amaymon.

Abaddon is simply the incorporation of a previous Greek deity into magickal demonology. In Greek mythology, Apollo, the Lord of the Silver Bow, was venerated in festivals held on the new and dark moon and often given gifts of cinnamon. Described as “shepherd-like in feature” and as very physically attractive, he ruled nature and sat beside Helena on Olympus. He was born on Asteria, the Golden Star Island known as “the earth which floats in the air.” Other myths depict him being born in Hades.

Apollo is one of the few greater deities whom the Greeks called a “daimon.” Apollo is called the “far-striker” or “far-darter” and he is viewed as a god of archery. He guarded a hilltop wherein a certain Sibyl/prophetess integral to Greek mythology dwelled. Apollo, like his sister Artemis, often sent plagues, and was both a “sinister” as well as a “light” deity.

Apollo is the divine image of the principium individuationis and the apparition following the fourth logos, and he acts as an interpreter of dreams and he plays a seven-stringed lyre. He ruled over philosophy, prophecy, healing, magick, destruction, esotericism, and theatre. Apollo is the light of the life of the material world, but not of the soul. He is also purported to be the god of Hyperborea, the second continent whereon the second race was born.

Above: My Sigil for Apollo’s Lycanthropic Aspect

Apollo is related to the sapphire, the metal gold, the plant Laurel, the elements of water and fire, the Far North, as well as the swan, the eagle, and the horse. The number 7 is considered sacred to him, so it’s no wonder Abaddon leads the 7th legion. As the god of the Sun, Apollo is related to the Greek letter Epsilon which means “builder,” just like the aforementioned Hebrew number 63. Epsilon is also purported to symbolize justice, ether, and quintessence.

The Greeks initially associated the planet Mercury with Apollo in the morning and another deity in the evening, and their name for the planet was “Stilbou,” which means “the gleaming one.” Other myths depict Apollo as the father of Asclepios, who rules Mercury. Once this son died at the hands of cyclopes, Apollo avenged him by massacring the one-eyed race.

While he is often purported to have spent his winters in Hyperborea, other sources purport that Apollo appeared as a ravenous wolf before his temple at Delphi during the colder months. This manifestation of his was of a destroying aspect, as was the golden sword he often carried. The name for this aspect is Lyceus, a slaughterous hunter and patron of wolves.

One of the Greeks’ many names for Apollo was “Sauroctonos,” meaning “Lizard Killer,” and it is under this name that Apollo/Abaddon appears in the Septenary Tradition of the Order of the Nine Angles. Sauroctonos rules the 20th pathway which leads from Mars to Saturn (remember that Abaddon was numerically connected to “the Sphere of Saturn”) and he corresponds to the ninth card of the sinister tarot. He is the lord of revelation and isolation who begets intimations of the Abyss. He causes hidden aspects of the self to manifest on the surface and he is depicted as an honorable and immortal warrior who begets psychological and occult evolution. The integration of his energies will beget either knowledge of wyrd (the Will) and insight, or madness and death.

One of Apollo’s names has a numerical value of 371, matching the Greek word for “birth.” His names “Delphian” and “Pythian/Pythius” number to 769, which is equal to the values of the Greek words for will, mind, thought, and feminine. Yet another number counts to 852, equaling “female slave,” “the end,” “the last,” and “thirty.” Another equals 1011, and thus the words four, to change, oppression, pride, communion, intercourse, wide, lukewarm, and the phrase “in three parts.” Looking at a name of his which numbers to 1061, we get an association with the phrase “all-productive.”

I have concluded that Abaddon, Apollo, and Sauroctonos are merely different aspects of the same being. It is possible that Apollo absorbed draconic/serpentine aspects after defeating Python, and that he went on to join the demonic ranks in order to battle Jehovah, and that he attained a demonic aspect as well in doing so. Either way, I am excited to work with this spirit.

-V.K. Jehannum

Update: Abaddon has made it very clear to me that he is not Python, but that he did devour & integrate the draconic aspect of Python. You probably shouldn’t refer to him as Python.

Dagon Rising by Frater Sadashtor, The Greek Qabbalah by Kieran Barry, Satanism Today by James R. Lewis, Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology by J. Gordon Melton, Ophiolatreia by Unspeakable Press, Magick of the Ancient Gods by Michael W. Ford, Fosforos by Johannes Nefastos, A Manual of Occultism by Sepharial, Diabolicon by Michael Aquino, The Black Grimoire of Satan by T.J. Dawson, Evoking Eternity by E.A. Koetting, Liber Typhon by SaToGa
The Book of Azazel by E.A. Koetting, Sepher Sephiroth by Aleister Crowley and Allan Bennett
The Black Book of the Serpent, Hidden Wisdom by Guy G. Stroumsa, Ascension Magick by Christopher Penczak, Otonen – A Guide to the Stage of Initiate by the Order of the Nine Angles, The Self-Immolation Rite by Hagur, The Goddess Hekate by Stephen Ronan
Thelemic Qabbalah (Volume III) by Frater Apollonius, Practical Planetary Magick by David Rankine & Sorita d’Este, Pomba Gira by Nicholaj de Mattos, The Goddess Baphomet by the Order of the Nine Angles, Greek Magical Papyri Texts or Papyri Graecae Magicae,  Satanic Gnostic Manuscripts by Hagur, Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola, The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche, Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Witch’s Master Grimorie by Lady Sabrina, The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky, Studies in Occultism by H.P. Blavatsky
Volume II of The Sacred Book of Abramelin the Mage, Hermetic Magic by Stephen Flowers, The Dark Gods in the Spheres and Pathworkings by Hagur, Presencing Falcifer by the Temple of THEM