A Protection Rite for Potentially Dangerous Occasions (Channeled By Nefim)

Lilith presented this ritual to Nefim for public release on my blog. It calls upon Lilith specifically for protection against rape. It is to be performed prior to going out anywhere you may feel unsafe so that Lilith may guide you and protect you from harm. The rite is appropriate for people of all levels of skill and experience, as well as for people of all sex’s, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The spell utilizes a ritual-specific sigil which is to be gazed at as the ritual monologue is recited (it is totally fine to have the monologue written down and oscillate between reading your “cheat sheet” and gazing at the sigil). Once the rite is complete, the sigil is to be folded up and carried on your person (in your pocket, in a backpack, in a purse, whatever).

Above: Sigil for the Rite

It is ideal to give Lilith an offering during this rite. A candle, incense, or dark-colored flower(s) such as roses, violets, or lavender. The ritual monologue is as follows.

Dark maiden Lilith,
Protect me now on this day
Protect me now on this hour
On this day of sorrow,
Protect me from those who would do me harm.
Shield me from their gaze.
Erase me from their minds.
But also…
Curse them mother,
Damn them mother.
May they never know rest,
May they never know love,
May they never know content,
May they never know peace,
May they never know stability,
May they never know trust,
For they would strip this all away from me
For a moment of power.
Protect me, mother Lilith,
Protect your daughters and sons.
I cry out to you Lilith,
Please guide us and protect us from harm.
So shall it be.

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

The Nythra Ritual Series

This series of four rituals calls upon a divinity by the name of Nythra. Should the rites interest you and Nythra be unfamiliar, read my article about her here:
Nythra – V.K. Jehannum (wordpress.com)

These rituals all elevate the soul in different ways, culminating in the cultivation of serious magickal power. You will need to offer three sticks of dragon’s blood incense to Nythra for each rite—if you don’t get your incense in stick form, I must leave judgement of the incense portioning to your judgement and/or intuition. I have channeled a sigil for Nythra which can be found in the article linked above—you’ll want that.

The rites couldn’t be simpler: recite three incantations, vibrate three words of power, thank Nythra in your own words, and then you’re done.

However, the simplicity might be misleading: these rites are for advanced practitioners. They should be performed at least a weak apart from one another (and in the order given, obviously).

The words of power and incantation have all been spelled in whatever way I felt would be easiest to sound out—I have always done that when spelling out the barbarous tongues I have channeled (or specified the pronunciation if that was inappropriate to do for some reas). If you see the letter u, it’s pronounced like the u in either “pull” or “gut.” If you see “ae,” that’s pronounced like the a in gay. “Aea” is pronounced ay-uh. O’s a pronounced like the o in either “gone” or “rock.” “Ie” is pronounced ee. “Dj” is pronounced like the dj in “djinn.” Y’s are pronounced like the i’s in words such as “pill,” “igloo,” and “bin.”

The rites are as follows:

The First Rite

Vorkataea Zal Gynda Yock Vuh! Sala Djyn Gozz Gull! Vavahrock Zyltar Vea!

Daltaeack + Gyndaehraga + Sorlahkiek

The Second Rite

Djylzara Thyl Dorn! Zalala Vea Ziennon! Zyltassa Vyn Vock!

Karahkor + Thyldorron + Viehsara

The Third Rite

Vorsatara Djylda Ziellar Goth! Ilvarrock Gana Dala! Lornazara Geassar Zorrock!

Korkarrahk + Onnassaea + Iak-kara

The Fourth Rite

Valtarron Onn All! Zaltaea Lyndorra Voll! Hazaka Aetha Vor!

Horsawnarrock + Ostay’on + Lornassay

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia