Magickal Chants to Create Sacred Spaces

It is very possible to create a sacred space without casting a circle or calling upon the four alchemical elements. My personal preference when creating sacred spaces is to fill the room I’m performing the ritual in with the energy of the spiritual dominion to which the spirit(s) I’m calling upon is attributed. I will present you now with seven magickal chants which may be used to raise different kinds of sacred spaces, and I welcome you to leave requests for other spiritual realms you’d like to see chants for in the comments.

Dea Gock Sornara
Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of Olympus

Vortol See Djanna
Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of Asgard

Talakhyn Za Vynnyl
Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of Hades (the Spiritual Realm, Not the Deity of the Same Name)

Torna Zock Sheall
Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of Helheim

Vortonya Zyth Kolza
Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of Vanaheim

Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of the Qliphoth (Infernal Plane)

Votha Ba Zyll Yinnar
Magickal Chant to Presence the Energy of Irkalla (the Sumerian Underworld)

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

15 thoughts on “Magickal Chants to Create Sacred Spaces

  1. I would like to know if you have any for Sephiroth energy, for the summoning of Angels? it would be of great value to put it too. Thankful


    1. second this^
      Also when working with demons and angels in same room how long should one separate these rituals and should one banish right after since many these days advise against banishing.

      And are there chants for general wellbeing presence in the room ?


  2. Some Suggestions :
    0 Relm of ‘Jahannam’
    1 (Aztec) ‘Mictlan’, or ‘Xibalba/Metnal’
    2 (Egyptian) The ‘Neather’ realm,
    3 ‘The Abyss’ (Pazuzu Created and whare Noctulious and Budstuerga Come from)
    4 (Greek) ‘Tartarus’
    5 (Hinduism) Naraka/Yamalok
    6 (Chinies) ‘Diyu’
    7 (Vodou) ‘Guinee’
    8 (Sumerian) ‘Kur, Hubur’
    9 (Mesopotamian) ‘Irkalla’

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