The Rite of the Ascended Black Magickians

This ritual calls upon former humans who practiced demon magick in life and ascended to become demonic immortals/ascended masters to impart guidance, alchemical ascent, and worldly blessings to the celebrant. These are specifically persons who died and ascended during or adjacent to our lifetimes: namely, Joshua Savage, Jon Nödtveidt, and S. Rasmussen. Greet them with amble offerings.

I have designed this rite for a simple reason: I want the practitioners of demon magick who passed in our time to be immortalized in black magickal literature– they deserve it, so I have written this rite as a means of preserving their memory. The rite calls upon HVHI, the metagod composed of the eleven Qliphothic Overlords, to empower the evocation. The names of said metagod which are specific to the 218 tradition (Azerate & El Acher) are incorporated out of respect for Nödtveidt.

Sigils, opening rites, candles, ritual music, and magickal equipment may be incorporated into the performance of the rite at the discretion of the celebrant. Phrases appearing in italics are to be chanted (recited in a rhythmic monotone a given number of times), and the word which appears in bold is to be vibrated. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses.

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Kliffoth! Qol El Acher Al-Ha-Mayim! Qol Azerate Yachiyl Midbar! Qol Chavayoth Chotzev Lahavoth Esh! Qodesh La-Azerate!
[Numinous/Divine is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Open Up the Infernal Plane! Open Up the Infernal Plane! The Voice of HVHI is Over the Waters! The Voice of HVHI Convulses the Wilderness! The Voice of HVHI Kindles Flames of Fire! Holy to HVHI]

Liftoach Sitra De-Smola, B’Shem Ha-Havayoth (x7)
[Open Up the Infernal Plane in the Name of HVHI]

Agios o Havayoth (x11)
[Numinous/Divine is HVHI]

Venire, Omnituens Chavayoth! Io Heh Vau Heh Jod! Advoco Et Adoro Te Praevalidus Chavayoth! Subrige Praevalidus Rakhalatu! Aeviternitas Deus Alienus Gloria! Agios o Havayoth! Venire, Omnituens Chavayoth!
[Come, All-Seeing HVHI! Hail HVHI! I Call and I Adore You, Mighty HVHI! Rise, Mighty HVHI! Glory to the Eternal HVHI! Numinous/Divine is HVHI! Come, All-Seeing HVHI]

Baruch Ha-Chavajoth, Theli Ha-Acharayim (x11)
[Blessed is HVHI, Dragon of the Infernal Plane]

Mah-Djee-Ah Lah-Nar-Ah (x9)
[(All-Purposed Summoning Chant for Jon Nödtveidt)]

Lahm-Pree-Ah Lihl-Door-Ah-Narr (x9)
[(All-Purposed Summoning Chant for S. Rasmussen)]

Zay-Narr-Ah Gah-Lah-Narr-Ah (x9)
[(All-Purposed Summoning Chant for Joshua Savage)]

Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat!
[In the Names of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, Let It Be So]

17 thoughts on “The Rite of the Ascended Black Magickians

  1. Blessed Be Thine… Great Thanks, This is a powerful formula. I appreciate this a lot. You are a true Messianic Prophet, HAIL.


  2. Would Selim Lemouchi (from the band Devil’s Blood and I suspect also a part of current/ nexus 218) belong to these ascended masters as well?


  3. Ha was listening to Dissection the other day wondering how or if it was possible to call out to Jon, and then i peeped this, hailzz vk \m/


  4. Also, might someone explain why Jon nödtveidt is on this list. I also can find no knowledge of Joshua savage anywhere, on who he is or anything. Thanks in advance


  5. Thank you vk this is pretty cool to see Do you think ‘Anton lavey’ & or ‘Aleister Crowley’ Acended though LHP? 🤔 assuming they’re not racist. Also you still want offerings of peanut butter when you accend? 😋


  6. Thank you VK for this rite. If it wasn’t a dream then they taught me a bit and also helped removed a couple of astral paracites. You have been the most helpful in this journey.


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