Two Prayers to Enhance Sexual Magnetism

Imperator Cain Sarial, the magickian who served as my designated mentor when I was a member of the Temple of Maergzjirah, taught me that regular devotional practices are more often than not what defines the long-term attainment of a practitioner. The daily or semi-daily devotional practice should consist of prayers and hymns which serve various purposes and call to various relevant intelligences, and, if possible, the giving of offerings should be a facet. This post (and the Magickal Hymns section of my blog as a whole) consists of prayers and hymns which can be integrated into one’s devotional practices, either permanently or temporarily.

Today, I will release two channeled prayers. The first calls to Gargophias to increase the sorceress’s sexual magnetism and engender necromantic/necrosophic alchemy. The second calls to Kurgasiax to increase the practitioner’s sexual magnetism and overall magickal power. Gargophias’s prayer consists entirely of semi-demonic verbiage, whereas Kurgasiax’s prayer is largely comprised of English.

The Prayer to Gargophias

Norzocka Va Biat
Nava Vyll Yot Doron
Zaza Phara Noora Zor
Gargophias Bol Dorvara

The Prayer to Kurgasiax

Glory to Kurgasiax,
Matron of Inubi
And Patroness of Sexuality
Strengthen me and make me
A great temptation to my lovers.
Batrala Gock Malakor.

-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

10 thoughts on “Two Prayers to Enhance Sexual Magnetism

  1. Vk im genuinely curious whats with you and sexual magnetism prayers? I Love them all but you’ve made many of them, my guess it’s fun, and you don’t wanna put alot of thought into it.

    but there are other things, maturity, intelligence of all sorts emotional and articulate, things that promote evolution & are very much sexy in they’re own right, magnetism comes and gose we have bad days & good, its up to us as individuals to up hold it in are own power in our own right, with our own strangth of character yes sure it brings us closer to the Infernal devine.

    But I’m asking
    What are the long term benefits of these types of prayers that you put such strong emphasis on?


    1. because we are infernal dawg
      demons have a lot of sex. succubi incubi especially

      you might want to try other currents and pantheons eks dee


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